

After High School when I no longer participated in competitive sports, I turned to strength training as my new form of exercise. I quickly found my passion in fitness while at Oregon State University , and even while earning a degree in Business I ultimately knew what I wanted to do. Growing up I admired some of my teachers so much that I wanted to be one, so fitness coaching became a natural fit to combine my love of fitness with a deep desire to be an educator.

Now with over 10 years experience in the fitness industry and over 15,000 coaching sessions, opening Elevation Fitness & Performance marks both a culmination in a decade’s worth of time perfecting my craft, as well as a commitment to constantly continue learning to better help our clients’ see their best results! My goal is to provide the best possible training experience through not just great workouts, but building skills and knowledge of how your movement patterns matter both in and out of the gym. Simply put, I want clients to continue to train because they have fun and are constantly growing, not because they feel like they can’t be successful on their own!

Knowledge is what drives me, and I look for every avenue possible to help take the vast amounts of complicated information on exercise and structure it in to a “decision-making” process that can help guide each individual to their goals. My certifications and continuing education include:

  • Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms)

  • BioForce Certified Conditioning Coach (CCC)

  • Spartan SGX Coach

  • Functional Movement Screen Level 1: Assessment

  • Functional Movement Screen Level 2: Corrective Exercise

  • Fundamental Capacity Screen

  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist



  • USOC Olympic Lifting Bronze Certification

  • Kilo Strength Society Program Design

  • Kabuki Strength: Principles of Loaded Movement

Being well-versed in multiple areas of exercise science has helped me avoid a “one size fits all” model, and make sure that clients are maximizing their time and mitigating injury risk by training specific to their goals and movement capabilities. The most rewarding thing as a coach is to help someone get out of pain, and progress to a level of strength they never thought possible. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but you’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish when you trust the process!